The Need
The Head of Learning & Performance contacted us about a need to develop a culture of coaching, accountability, inclusion, high support and high performance through developing a cadre of senior managers based in the UK and US.
Hustle House Solution
We designed a cohort-based, modular, blended learning programme delivered over 9 months. This included virtual workshops, 180 feedback activities, 1-2-1 coaching, coaching circles and Accountability Partner work, all complemented with a dedicated learning platform. In the programme we strove to focus on the importance of identifying their own leadership brand, leading through change and uncertainty and mastering the core skills of coaching.
- Significant shift in awareness of role as leaders for the majority of participants, particularly in relation to the need to coach more
- New cross-functional relationships cemented leading to increased collaboration at a senior level
- Notable increases in rating of leadership skills from participants’ managers and direct reports in 180 and engagement surveys